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Monday, April 16, 2012



"Jill & Bob sudah menikah selama 9 tahun. Saudara laki-laki Bob adalah Duane, ia lebih tua 2 tahun dari saudara termudanya. Jill & Duane lulus dari sekolah yang sama di tahun 1977. Ibu Bob lahir tahun 1959 dan mempunyai ketiga anaknya sebelum ia berusia 28 tahun. Anak ketiga lahir saat usia suaminya 29 tahun. Orang tua Jill, Sue-Chris, umurnya sama dan sebelumnya Chris bercerai pada saat ia berumur 24 tahun. Janis, mantan istri Chris berumur 3 tahun lebih tua, dan meninggal pada hari pernikahan Bob dan Jill, dan memiliki hari ulang tahun yang sama dengan Duane. Saudara laki-laki tertua Bob lahir pada masa pemerintahan Presiden JFK di tahun yang genap. Saudara tertua Bob lahir saat masa presiden John F. Kenedy pada tahun yang genap. Jika Jack, saudara Jill, 3 tahun lebih tua dari lama orang tua Bob menikah, dan saudara perempuan tertua Bob 31 tahun. Maka berapa umur Sue?"

[Original Text]

"Jill and Bob have been married 9 years. Bob's brother Duane is 2 years older than his youngest sibling. Jill and Duane both graduated from high school in 1977. Bob's mother was born in 1959 and had all three of her kids before she was 28, the third being born when her husband was 29. Jill's parents Sue and Chris are both the same age, and only Chris was divorced once when he was 24. Chris's ex wife Janis is 3 years older than him, and died the day of Bob and Jill's wedding, sharing the same birthday of Duane. Bob's oldest brother was born during John F Kennedys presidentail term, on a year ending in an even number. If Jack, Jill's brother, is 3 years older than the number of years Bob's parents have been married, and Bob's oldest sister is 31, then how old is Sue?"

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